My Transformation

I have done INSANITY, P90X3, Combat, T25, 21 Day Fix, PiYo and I currently drink Shakeology every day and follow the clean eating lifestyle. I do not SELL anything except for a healthy lifestyle that is based upon the principles of eating whole natural foods and regular exercise!  Of course I do promote Beachbody Fitness programs and supplements because they work!  I have tried them and if you follow the meal plans given, the daily workouts and drink Shakeology then you will get the results that you are looking for!  I not only have transformed my own life physically but I now have a more positive outlook on life and I LOVE being surrounding by people who want more out of life!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
When I first bought INSANITY I wasn't motivated to workout and the program sat on my shelf collecting dust for 2 years! When I decided to start the program again I was being coached by a friend.  I had no idea what Beachbody was and slowly she began to introduce me to what the workouts were all about. She invited me to her challenge group. I was hesitant but decided to give it a shot. I began reading her transformation story and immediately became motivated by the success that she was having.  I had used the excuse of "baby weight" since my youngest was born and at the time she was 5 years old! For 5 years I hid behind my kids while my picture was being taken. I was uncomfortable with my own body and self image.  It wasn't until I became a part of this amazing group that I realized it was the key to me staying motivated and to keep going. Knowing that there were others in the group depending on me to post my workout made me WANT to gt my workout in EVERYDAY!  My coach's encouragement and support helped me to achieve my fitness goals.  That is why I became a coach!  I want to help others do the same thing.  I feel like I have so much knowledge and expertise about eating healthy and working out that I might as well share it with others instead of keeping it to myself!  I love my job and I can't wait to get up and get started everyday!  

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